

TCF Australia

TCF Queensland

TCF South Australia

TCF New South Wales

TCF Victoria Australia

TCF Western Australia

 TCF Mandurah (WA)


Belgium: Ouders van een Overleden Kind

The Compassionate Friends of Canada

TCF Quebec: Les Amis compatissants du Québec

TCF Southwestern Manitoba, Inc.

TCF Winnipeg

TCF France: Familles en Deuil d’un Enfant Amis Compatissants

TCF Germany: Bundesverband Verwaiste Eltern und trauernde Geschwister in Deutschland e. V.

TCF Netherlands: Ouders van een Overleden Kind

TCF Philippines

TCF South Africa – Cape Town

TCF South Africa – Johannesburg

TCF of Switzerland

TCF United Kingdom

TCF United States


The Compassionate Friends family has written a number of brochures and leaflets for parents, siblings, family, friends, co-workers, professionals and other considerate people.  The brochures offer some help in explaining some of the feelings experienced by those touched by the death of a child and what might help.  Links to various key sites are provided below:


TCF (Victoria)



Some foreign language brochures may be available by visiting the International pages linked above.