About Us

Ccompassionate Friends Logo

The Compassionate Friends is a typical self-support group; people coming together who have had a like experience in life and so are able to bring a special depth of understanding to each other. It is a worldwide group and there are branches in all Australian states. We are all bereaved parents, siblings or grandparents. Although there can be deep sharing amongst us – almost as though we have each touched the same place – we each of us have our own story, our own ways of grieving, our own philosophies of life.


We arrange monthly sharing meetings, telephone support and one-to-one support. We put out a quarterly newsletter, have a library of books and pamphlets, and meet together socially with various activities. There is a TCF children’s memorial seat in a beautiful stand of gum trees in Weston Park. It is there for private contemplation and shared ceremonies.


The friendship, acceptance of each other and understanding that can be found in TCF may provide valuable support for a grieving person. We understand that we can’t change the fact that our children have died – but we may give strength and courage to each other, letting us grieve in our own way with the hope that it will be possible to re-build our lives; not the lives that we had before, but nonetheless, worthwhile and meaningful lives.

TCF is not affiliated with any religious group; however we respect the beliefs and philosophies of all members.
Please right click on the link below to download our information flyer.

The TCF Flyer